NLUG Links page (Was: [Nottingham] Basford Nottingham computer
Duncan John Fyfe
nottingham at
Mon Apr 28 16:53:01 2003
On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, Simon Osborne wrote:
> I've not been living in Nottingham for long, so I really don't know of an=
> decent computer shops. The ones I have been in border on the dodgey and
> overpriced. One particular shop wouldn't give me a pricelist and quoted m=
> prices around =A370 for a 256mb PC133 DIMM!!! I feel sorry for the cluele=
> noobs who buy from this place :(
This is little different from those who advertise at good prices but
mention their high handling and delivery charges until you try to order.
I'm not happy paying someone =A3lots to someone to ship me something
which would happily go through the post.
Some of those on my list do that.
by the way, have any Debian users found a keymap which fixes
the <shift>-3 problem (ie. generates a #\n rather than =A3 ) ?
Have fun,
Duncan John Fyfe X-ray Astronomy Group,
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy,
Phone +44 116 252 3635 University of Leicester,
E-mail University Road,
Leicester, LE1 7RH, U.K.