[Nottingham] Event Publicity. The LUG as a whole.

John Spriggs nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Aug 27 22:43:00 2003

On Tuesday 26 August 2003 11:03, Alex Herington wrote:
> | > | P.S. a little bird told me that the Revolution-OS screening
> | >
> | > was to be
> | >
> | > | Weds (tomorrow!) - enlightenment anyone (no, not the wm - I
> | >
> | > mean further
> | >
> | > | info)
> | >
> | > It is? :o I didn't know anything had been arranged - where is it being
> | > screened?
> | >
> | > Alex.
> |
> | I'd been told it was weds at the Broadway Business Centre -- yes Alex,
> | your place! so I have clearly been misled. I am protecting my sources
> | but I will deal with them!
> Hehe.. not a problem. So to summarise the feedback we have so far regarding
> Revolution OS:
> Equipment sourced: DVD player, LCD projector (if at Broadway), copy of DVD
> (Philip?)
> Equipment needed: Sound system
> Possible locations: Broadway Business Centre (Stoney Street) or a cinema
> Lee mentioned (any news?)
> Regarding the date, Duncan suggested Sept 16th which seems to fit in with
> other people's indicated requirements. Current head count stands at 9. Does
> anyone have a prob with Tuesday 16th Sept?
> Alex.
> _______________________________________________
> Nottingham mailing list
> Nottingham@mailman.lug.org.uk
> http://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/nottingham

Tuesdays are bad for me. Any other day is better. I can bring a guitar 
practice amp if no-one minds monaural sound.

I'd like to register interest in two places (my lad would like to come too).
