[Nottingham] Event Publicity. The LUG as a whole.

Michael Erskine nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Aug 26 12:27:01 2003

8< snip >8
> Hehe.. not a problem. So to summarise the feedback we have so=20
> far regarding Revolution OS:
> Equipment sourced: DVD player, LCD projector (if at=20
> Broadway), copy of DVD (Philip?)
> Equipment needed: Sound system

I have a popcorn maker (courtesy of my youngest daughter) and a good
supply of popping corn.

> Possible locations: Broadway Business Centre (Stoney Street)=20
> or a cinema Lee mentioned (any news?)
> Regarding the date, Duncan suggested Sept 16th which seems to=20
> fit in with
> other people's indicated requirements. Current head count=20
> stands at 9. Does
> anyone have a prob with Tuesday 16th Sept?
> Alex.

Ouch! Tuesdays are difficult for me unless after, say, 8pm. If tues then
shall endeavour to reorganise.
