[nottingham] adsl modems.

Peter p.rose at btinternet.com
Wed Dec 10 16:26:46 GMT 2003


I believe you are correct the Voyager  & Voyager 100 are different and 
although they appear to use the same chipset  the  Voyager does work with 
Linux and the Voyager 100 doesn't.

I've tried  unsuccessfully to use the ECIADSL drivers and although the 
operating system detects the USB it cannot get the drivers to load and so 
fails its network connection on that.

If anyone does find a driver that works with the Voyager 100  can they let 
us all know.

PS the one mentioned earlier on the caretaker website doesn't work for my V 

The following link also has a number of drivers and modems that they work 
with alas the voyger 100 isn't one of them.

 HYPERLINK http://eciadsl.flashtux.org/modems.php?lang=en 

hope that helps


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