[Nottingham] RedHat 8.0

Steve Caddy nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Feb 7 12:45:00 2003

> Ladies, ladies - if you could return to your respective corners and put
> down your bulky handbags and pointy hairbrushes ;-)...

...and I was only looking for some help getting an install to work :-/

There was a similar discussion on the west walres LUG list some time ago,
and the outcome was that LUGs should embrace any linux use, regardless of
how "socially unacceptible" the distro may be to its members.

If you can't help me, because your expertise lies in another distro, then
ignore the thread.

As it happens, I didn't know the slackware distro was so small, so I've
downloaded the ISO, and I'll give it a go next week, when I've got a little
more time.



Steven M Caddy, MEng -----------------------------------------------------
"Hardware - the part of the computer you kick when the software fails"
Email: dyn@m0ng.com