[Nottingham] Telnet with 'comfort shell' features for talkinjg to dumb server control programs

Steve Caddy nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Feb 16 08:45:01 2003

I saw a version of Doom a few years ago (about 1998?) where each of the
baddies was a process. The more CPU the process used, the bigger the
baddy was. Best run as root >:)

> Hmmm didn't Alan Cox start out doing MUD?

...which brings us back round to Aberystwyth again...

Oh... sorry... I'll get my coat.


PS No, although I went to aber, I've never actually met Alan.

Steven M Caddy, MEng -----------------------------------------------------
"Hardware - the part of the computer you kick when the software fails"
Email: dyn@m0ng.com