[Nottingham] Telnet with 'comfort shell' features for talkinjg to dumb server control programs

.waffle nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Feb 16 13:41:17 2003

Deary me Scotty :) It's all true of course. I abhor RPG now, partly because
I've grown to hate things like Games Workshop (why anyone pays £5 for a
piece of metal shaped like a wizard is beyond me...).

But isn't it true that MOST computer geeks also prefer the shell to the
gooey? What is it about the mouse that is so un-natural? The keyboard just
seems so much better (mental note, must ask about keymaps someday).

Yes, keymaps. I want to learn Dvorak, preferably the proper layout, maybe
straying into left/right handed Dvorak if I ever happen to lose an arm...
Anyone know how I can get Linux to change keymaps at a keystroke? I want to
like hit Ctrl-Alt-Shift and immediately swap from Qwerty to Dvorak... Any


----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip Scott" <scotty@philipscott.freeserve.co.uk>
To: <nottingham@mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Nottingham] Telnet with 'comfort shell' features for talkinjg
to dumb server control programs

| On Saturday 15 February 2003 8:49 pm, Robert Davies wrote:
| > What I really really like about this answer, is that it's a brilliant
| > reason to install MUD clients on 'sysadmin' machines *evil grin*
| Hehe yes, I see where you're going, and I like it!
| > Hmmm didn't Alan Cox start out doing MUD?
| Quite probably :) I find that most geeks, when probed deeply enough using
| alcohol as a tongue-loosening tool will admit to some form of online
| role-playing experience 8*)
| Regards,
| Philip
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