Recording TV onto PC : WAS [Nottingham] Students

BUNTER MATTHEW nottingham at
Thu Jan 16 13:28:01 2003

--- Re=E7u de       VITEUR.BUNTERMA 04 72 96 57 77        16/01/03 14.25

=A3100 and I'll sell you a copy!! I guarantee you'll be disappointed.



Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 08:58:19 +0000
Subject: Re: Recording TV onto PC : WAS [Nottingham] Students

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, BUNTER MATTHEW wrote:
> > if you give me the VHS, I could arrange for it to be done for you.
> hope I don't screw up the tape cos the wiife will kill me.

Am I the only one who's now wondering what's on the tape!...  =3D-)

Nottingham, GB

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