[Nottingham] Re: February meet
Godfrey Nix
nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Jan 19 23:45:00 2003
> A somewhat stickier issue is money. =A0The usual room in Beeston costs =
> 12.50 (+1.00 for OHP) for the night. =A0I paid the last two meetings th=
ere but
> obvioulsy don't want to keep doing this indefinitely. =A0How should we =
as a=20
> LUG handle the issue of contributions and money ?
Well, apart from one meeting, which was kindly sponsored by Host Europe,=20
meetings at the Dunkirk community centre were paid for bu a donation from=
each present, which usually worked out about a quid a time.
I have done some work on Samba at home with a Win95 to linux setup for fi=
and printer sharing.. Maybe I can knock some notes together.