[Nottingham] Linux InstallFest / Awareness Day 1st November
Duncan John Fyfe
nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Jul 9 16:28:00 2003
On 9 Jul 2003, Robert Postill wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 15:10, Duncan John Fyfe wrote:
> 4) Internet security/business, everyone loves a good hacker story, linux
> has top security features and some gfreat business apps (e.g. quotas,
> print and ip accounting). I'm not sure about this one but I suspect
> someone will ask.
How about a server & security demos demonstrating good performance on
not to hi-spec equipment.
eg. Email server
Two machines, send / receive to / from each other
(could put in a private DNS lookup and spoof addresses for some variety).
What volume of emails can be processed ?
Requires a nice graphic showing i
'Number of email's sent'
'Number of email's received'
and 'Network activity' (so we can blame the network for being unable to
keep up if we need to)
> > 4. Linux tutorials.
> > Can we get hold of a screen and projector for the day (I'd hope Green's Mill
> > would have one).
> Hmmm, I suspect one-on-one demos would work much better.
okay, I was thinking more 'presentations' rather than tutorials. I've got no idea what
we might do presentations about but others might. (Maybe we could use it to screen 'Revolution OS' ;)
Robert, do you know if our hiring of the room would allow members to set up stalls to tout for
business ?
Have fun,
Duncan John Fyfe X-ray Astronomy Group,
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy,
Phone +44 116 252 3635 University of Leicester,
E-mail djf@star.le.ac.uk University Road,
Leicester, LE1 7RH, U.K.