[Nottingham] Linux InstallFest / Awareness Day 1st November

Derek Huskisson nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Jul 14 12:27:00 2003

On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 09:35, Duncan John Fyfe wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Duncan John Fyfe wrote:

> Forking my own thread, probably bad form but life seems to continue, somehow...
> Ok folks,
> Robert showed me the host site for this on Saturday.  I didn't get to see inside
> but from the outside the room is probably ~ 18' x 10' ie. not as big as some of our plans.
> We recon we could get 8 demo PC'c comfortably around the outside of the room.
> Given that the blurb didn't mention 'installing' and all the niggles related to it (backups,
> hardware...) I would be more inclined to run a "Linux Awareness Day" rather
> than an install fest.  Give people a look at Linux, 

Sounds better than installing, don't think that too many people will
drag a PC (or MAC) to the venue, let alone stand around for a couple of
hours while their data is back upped and Linux installed.

 Have at least one PC running one of the major distros (Mandrake -- 9.1 
is on one of the PC monthlies at the mo, SuSE, maybe debian and

> let them take away a copy of Knoppix
> and/or some other distro they can try at home.

Good idea, SuSE also do an 8.2 demo CD, probably free to copy for
interested parties.
Also it would be a good idea to mention that both distros write to the
hard drive for their home area. The punters might wonder what the 100MB
file is that has appeared on the hard drive. It should be mentioned that
this is there to allow them to save data and config to make life easier,
when they try out the distro. The files can of course be erased with 
no detriment to Win98 or what ever.
 Knoppix at least (can't remember about SuSE) can put its config on
floppy, but its easier if kept on the HD. 

> Anyone who is really interested will no doubt get back in touch and if they need it
> we can help them install from there.

Don't forget a handout with the LUGs web site, how to join the mailing
list and HTML ain't welcome on it !!

> Questions, comment ?
> Have fun,
> Duncan

		Derek Huskisson
Derek Huskisson <derek@huskisson.free-online.co.uk>