[Nottingham] Introduction

.waffle nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Jul 16 00:15:01 2003

Tony Leake wrote:
| I'm Tony Leake, I have recently moved 'up north' from London. Currently in
| Sheffield but soon to be Worksop. I have been a Linux user both at home
| at work for around 4 years now and mainly use my machines for development
| and multimedia stuff.

Worksop, eh? There is a Mansfield LUG as well. I'll dig out the URL for you

| Hopefully catch up with you at one of your meetings soon.


Matthew Walster

NB) Debian is 10 on August 16th. Anyone fancy throwing a party? I might make
a big LUG BBQ if anyone's interested.... Could be good! It's a Saturday too!