[Nottingham] Introduction - I'm new...

Paul Hempstock nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Jul 29 09:33:01 2003


I've just signed up to this list and thought I would do the polite thing and
introduce myself.  I am Paul Hempstock, a freelance software engineer living
in Nottingham.  I'm really a Windows programmer; I used to work for Serif
(www.serif.com) where I was responsible for their PagePlus product for a

However I now have a Cobalt RAQ4 web server running Linux and hosting a
number of my customers websites.  I also use it for my local community site,

At the moment, I'm finding Linux pretty incomprehensible.  It's mainly
things like permissions, security and Apache configuration that are giving
me problems.  Naturally I have no GUI on my machine.  I'm looking for a
place where I can ask dumb questions and maybe even get some friendly
tuition.  Hope I've come to the right place...

