[Nottingham] KDE and remote X connections.

Dan Mackdermott nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Jun 9 18:31:00 2003

Hi Robert,

On 9 Jun 2003, Robert Postill wrote:

> Hi,
> I've recently been trying to get a headless Sun to have oracle. 
> Unfortunately Oracle is only set-up via X these days so I'm trying to
> get the display working on my linux box (  I'm using KDE
> mostly and even though I'm setting the DISPLAY variable on the Sun box
> ( to I'm getting "Error: Can't open display:
>" messages.  Now if I change to GNOME, no problem.  Only
> KDE exhibits the behaviour so I know it's not the xhosts getting in the
> way.  Has anyone any ideas?
> Robert.

Have you tried launching an xterm on your local machine and running 
'xhost +'?



Dan Mackdermott (Director)
InputLink Consulting Ltd
t: +44 (0)115 988 1700
m: +44 (0)7980 711 557