CD-RW help 2 (Re: [Nottingham] Request for CDW help)

Duncan John Fyfe nottingham at
Tue Jun 17 13:49:01 2003

On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Martin wrote:

> Duncan John Fyfe wrote:
> [...]
> > Can you do an 'hdparm -i ...' on you cd-rw and find out what it thinks
> > it is capable of.  I had problems because mine only handles mdma2 but
> > the kernel tried auto-assumed udma. The solution was to disable auto-assume udma and enabe it on a per interface option.
> The CD-RW is located at "hdg". However, this is never mentioned past the
> boot up messages. There is no /dev/hdg generated.
> The CD-Rom/DVD-Rom drive appears fine as hde with a /dev/hde entry and
> also entries in /dev/cdrom and as /dev/cdrom0.
> Martin

ok, ide-cd is nuked by turing if off in the kernel
OR if it is a module you might try moving the module out of the way
mv /lib/modules/blah/blah/blah/ide-cd.o /someplace/safe/ide-cd.o

Do you have devfs mounted on /dev ?
I have normal dev on /dev and devfs on /devfs atm to satisfy different needs
of things out of my control.
If you have normal dev on /dev take a look at /dev/MAKEDEV.  I know little
about devfs but...

Do you get any /dev/scd?
Does 'cdrecord -scanbus' tell you anything useful ?

hmmm, does anyone know of a stand alone version of 'cdrecord -scanbus' ?
I find its usefullness extends beyond cdrw's (eg usb-scsi).

Have fun,

Duncan John Fyfe          X-ray Astronomy Group,
                          Dept. of Physics & Astronomy,
Phone +44 116 252 3635    University of Leicester,
E-mail  University Road,
                          Leicester, LE1 7RH, U.K.