[Nottingham] SuSE Goodies (was: NTL Cache Performance Suggestions)

.waffle nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Mar 2 18:32:01 2003

Ok, here's my two pence:

I want to be able to get the free CD's _first_ to try it out. Ok, they've
partly gone for this by doing a LiveEval, but it just ain't the same. A 1 CD
HD installable option would be much nicer. I agree by the way about the
manuals and the DVD's... Far more convenient. That's why I bought Redhat 7.3
(although to be honest, it was the cheapest version available, as I knew 8.0
was around the corner). If I was going to use SuSE in a professional
context, yeah, I'd pay £70 every time, but I'd prefer if there was a
personal edition costing £20 or less, rather than the £30/£40 it is at the
moment. And a nice bog-reading book.

So basically, I agree with you, but I feel they charge too much, and have
hence consigned themselves to serious customers, rather than the dabblers
(hey, we've all got our roots in dabbling)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Davies" <rob_davies@ntlworld.com>
To: <nottingham@mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Nottingham] SuSE Goodies (was: NTL Cache Performance

| On Sunday 02 March 2003 12:16, you wrote:
| > On Sun, 2 Mar 2003, Robert Davies wrote:
| > > On Saturday 01 March 2003 23:49, you wrote:
| > > > That's piracy. Seriously! SuSE Personal contains non-GPL software.
| > >
| > > Sorry but SuSE Linux installs fine via ftp, you do not need ISO's, you
| > > can use boot floppy or burn a small bootcd and then use DHCP to a
| > > for the installation, possibly using an http/ftp proxy cache (appears
| > > HTTP generally faster).
| >
| > Roger Whittaker from SuSE UK should be turning up to Wednesday's talk by
| > Richard Hegg and mentioned something about goodies for the LUG.
| >
| > Show up and you never know what you might go away with...  ;-)
| Yep, I get a bit pissed off seeing repeated SuSE FUD on uk.os.linux and
| elsewhere on net, by those who prefer to repeat 'Net myths' without
| Fact is in many ways (having run RH in commercial installation) SuSE is
| actually much more Hacker Friendly and they give you much more tech info
| are more approachable.  I left RH because of the support, which got even
| worse, as they steered ppl to RH Network.
| I buy the upgrades just to have the manual and DVD for convenience, and
| support the future of Linux, SuSE back many projects like ALSA, Kernel-VM,
| ReiserFS, KDE, joystick code, USB and do punch their weight.
| I think the cheap CD ppl took a dislike because they couldn't burn SuSE
| and sell them, which is source of a lot of the non-GPL / non-Free distro
| comes from.
| Rob
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