[Nottingham] NTL Cache Performance Suggestions

Robert Davies nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Mar 3 11:58:01 2003

On Monday 03 March 2003 11:01, you wrote:
> <snip>
> > poster :) Nah, tell you what, I'll get Redhat 8 and
> > bung that on. I like the
> > idea of only paying for support - it's great. You
> > get to test something for
> > free before buying it, and if you have trouble,
> > that's when you pay...
> isn't it strange that one of the companies that have
> done most (probably not _the_ most) to make linux
> easier to install and configure, make money mainly
> through it being difficult? I wonder what they say
> about this in the business plan they show to
> investors: "We're going to make linx harder to use for
> outsiders by developing powerful but incredibly

It's a very good point Alex!! LOL

Actually I used RH in business and gave up on their support and boxsets as 
they were hopeless.  Just ended up downloading ISOs rather than paying for 
something that was a waste of my time if I tried to use it.
