[Nottingham] Too much traffic

Godfrey Nix nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Mar 6 06:58:01 2003


ALL those LUGs that use lug.org.uk for mailing lists were moved onto mailman 
from majordomo some months ago. You should receive a reminder email once a 
month telling you what list(s) you are subscribed to and a web page where you 
can go and change your options. One option is, as mentioned, getting the list 
sent as a digest. Please can a note about this be added to the web page?

Sorry I missed the meeting. Drat - I belong to two groups that have now 
decided on Wednesday nights for meetings. (But then many of the other nights 
are also busy for me) Looking forward to the meeting write-up, but I guess 
the donuts will just not taste the same (<grin>)


On Thursday 06 March 2003  2:22 am, Duncan John Fyfe wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Robert Davies wrote:
> > What happened to a Mailing list digest option?  Leicester switched a
> > while back to Mailman, which I think allows daily digests.
> note nottingham@mailman.lug.org.uk
>                 ^^^^^^^
> I suspect a digest is an option but I haven't investigated further.
> If possible we should probably tell people about it on the subscription
> page.