[Nottingham] Too much traffic

Simon Huggins nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Mar 7 10:12:01 2003

On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 10:08:20AM -0000, Alex Herington wrote:
> I vote for a web-based forum. I know lots of e-mail clients support
> threads, but I read NLUG mail at work where I use a client without
> this capability, and I'm probably not alone on this.

Voting?  Eh what?  Everyone's free to do what they like but I imagine
the list will stay regardless of what happens to your forum.

> All web browsers support forums and they are accessible from any
> computer.

All mail clients support email and it is accessible from any [net
connected] computer.


> Btw, the demo 'Phorum' set-up I linked to in an earlier posting (
> http://nlug.fnet.nu ) may not have worked for a while because of a
> prob with DNS propagation (but it does now) :/

I saw the registration page and thought "Fuck off, I'm not registering
details in order merely to read threads".



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