[Nottingham] Too much traffic

Alex Herington nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Mar 7 10:08:02 2003

| > I agree that we should all try and 'vote' on any
| > extra
| > communication methods (web-board, usenet, etc). Then
| > at least we would know how many will be using it.

I vote for a web-based forum. I know lots of e-mail clients support threads,
but I read NLUG mail at work where I use a client without this capability,
and I'm probably not alone on this.

All web browsers support forums and they are accessible from any computer.
'Phorum' (for example) uses no graphics, no weird HTML posting codes, and no
dumb graphical smileys. Seems to make sense to me :) Hosting it shouldn't be
a problem for a mailing list largely populated by IT/sysadmin geeks :P

Btw, the demo 'Phorum' set-up I linked to in an earlier posting (
http://nlug.fnet.nu ) may not have worked for a while because of a prob with
DNS propagation (but it does now) :/

Alex Herington.