[Nottingham] Awareness day - Time to do your stuff.

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Sun Nov 2 21:25:51 GMT 2003

Duncan John Fyfe wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Nov 2003, Martin wrote:
>>...and ...err ... our web page hasn't been updated to say *where* we'll
>>be meeting!
> You do me a disservice sir.
> I suggest you refresh your chache, I updated it last night.
> I've now added a little emphasis to make it stand out more.
> It reads:
> 19:00
> Broadway Business Centre
> 32a Stoney Street
> + extras
> A "Getting Started With Linux" follow up to the awareness
> day is something I put forward many moons ago and it is
> really the reason we've got the discussion 12 point Times New Roman'd
> in for tomorrow. If people turn up and would rather cover something else
> it isn't going to displace anyone's preparations for giving s talk.

A ctl-shift-r on Mozilla gives:

The Limits of Freedom, 3rd November 2003

Broadway Business Centre
32a Stoney Street
just down from the Adams Building and NCP car park. Press the IT Dept. 
buzzer on the door.

After the meeting we shall retire to the Roebuck Inn. This will probably 
be nine/half-nineish.

WARNING: This is a Monday rather than the usual Wednesday

A topic for discussion. What do you understand by free software ? What 
does it mean to you and how wrong are other people ?

I'm sure we'll be able to generate enough hot air to keep warm.

> Sorry for missing the Roebuck last night but things needed doing
> here at home.

We had a good select turnout for some fun reminiscing (;-))

Also an excuse to remove some of the posters on the way home.
(And I think Mr Simms did an excellent job for the posters, disks, and 
other support. And... and... His monitors are filthy heavy!)

More beer tomorrow,


Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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