[Nottingham] Starting services

James Gibbon james.gibbon at virgin.net
Mon Oct 27 23:04:44 GMT 2003

Michael Leuty wrote:
> Question from dim newbie, running Libranet.
> I've installed spamassassin and spamc on my box. The installation has 
> put a script called spamassassin in /etc/init.d and an executable 
> called spamd in /usr/bin. But I can't work out how to start the spamd 
> daemon.

How do you actually retrieve your mail?  You may not need (or want)
to run the daemon.  I call spamassassin from procmail and don't use
spamd myself.

However, under Mandrake 9.2 there's a GUI to select whcih services
are started when the box boots, and you can choose to start spamd
(or not) from there.  Perhaps libranet has something similar.


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