[Nottingham] Debian download

Simon Amor simon at leaky.org
Wed Apr 14 00:16:32 BST 2004

If you're used to redhat, just switch to fedora. I tried debian and was  
a convert for a few months before I found that fedora had all the fun  
stuff I was used to, like being able to use a free mirror for updates,  
but with the standard rpms that I'd used previously and all the file  
locations still in the same place.

I found it was easier to use a cover dvd with debian on it and then  
apply a load of updates than use jigdo. If you get desperate, I could  
do a copy of the dvd if you can collect from Beeston/Bramcote area.

I've got to upgrade a live redhat 7.3 box to fedora sometime (without  
breaking any of the services that it runs). That should be fun  
considering one runs apache 1.3 and the other apache 2.0.


On 13 Apr 2004, at 23:43, Steve Caddy wrote:

> With RH9 nearing the end of its supported lifetime, I'm looking to move
> on to another distro. I'm going out all open minded, and at the  
> suggestion
> of lots of people, I'm going to give debian a go.
> The only trouble is... jigdo is among the most user unfriendly tools
> I've ever had to use. I started out by reading
> http://www.debian.org/CD/jigdo-cd/ and then I tried to get
> http://non-us.cdimage.debian.org/jigdo-area/3.0_r2/jigdo/i386/woody- 
> i386-1_NONUS.jigdo
> but it failed complaining it couldn't find the template file (which is
> obviously there) with errors such as:
> --23:27:41--
> http://us.cdimage.debian.org/jigdo-area/3.0_r2/jigdo/i386/woody-i386 
> -1_NONUS.template
>   (try: 2) => `woody-i386-1_NONUS.template'
> Connecting to us.cdimage.debian.org[]:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
> Read error (No such file or directory) in headers.
> Retrying.
> I've read the FAQ, and this isn't covered, and the HOWTO hasn't  
> enlightened
> me either.
> Any clues, before I move on (and/or start asking for ready cooked CDs)?
> Steve
> --
> Steven M Caddy, MEng  
> -----------------------------------------------------
> "Hardware - the part of the computer you kick when the software fails"
> Email: steve.m.caddy at ntlworld.com
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