[Nottingham] Gentoo dead

David Ginger David at ukGinger.net
Tue Apr 27 14:37:45 BST 2004


From: Daniel Robbins <drobbins at ...>
 Subject: Resigning from development role
 Newsgroups: gmane.linux.gentoo.nfp
 Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 11:48:49 +0000

Hi All,

As of today, I am resigning from my development responsibilities for Gentoo.
This includes my role as Chief Architect and as manager of release
engineering. I am not appointing a replacement Chief Architect. For releng,
Zhen is doing an excellent job leading this effort and I would like him to
be able to continue his work in this area.



From: Daniel Robbins <drobbins at ...>
 Subject: Resigning from development role
 Newsgroups: gmane.linux.gentoo.nfp
 Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 11:48:49 +0000

Hi All,

As of today, I am resigning from my development responsibilities for Gentoo.
This includes my role as Chief Architect and as manager of release
engineering. I am not appointing a replacement Chief Architect. For releng,
Zhen is doing an excellent job leading this effort and I would like him to
be able to continue his work in this area.



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