[Nottingham] T1M BB

Derek Huskisson derek at huskisson.free-online.co.uk
Wed Feb 4 12:59:04 GMT 2004

On Wednesday 04 February 2004 11:58, James Beckett wrote:
> I've heard a rumour that Tim (and Jonathan?) Brealy have departed
> Beeston-based Host Europe and are setting up a new company, now that
> they're free of non-competition restrictions imposed by the merger
> a few years ago.. apparently there was an advert in the Nottingham
> Evening Post a couple of Thursdays ago for developer positions..

 Hello Jim
		nothing springs to mind, but don't bother looking for any jobs at our 
government's Jobcentreplusweb  site.  It doesn't work with Mozilla, 
Konqueror,  web television, microwave ovens etc, since EDS "improved" the job 
search facilities a few months ago. 

It works with IE though, so I've ben told.

And yes I've complained to my MP (who's an ex IT consultant) .

								Derek Huskisson

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