[Nottingham] RH kickstart problems

Graeme Fowler graeme at graemef.net
Thu Feb 5 11:42:54 GMT 2004


Has anybody ever tried to customise a RH installer environment? I'm trying to
do so at present for legacy support reasons, and am so close to the damned
thing working but now have a real showstopper of a problem. Here's what I've 

1. Unpacked the default initial ramdisk
2. Unpacked the modules contained therein
3. Replaced modules with those from a more recent BOOT kernel
4. Repacked modules
5. Repacked initrd
6. Unpacked cramfs "stage2" image
7. Replaced modules with those from step 3 above
8. Replaced 'busybox', the multi-purpose binary app with a newer version
9. Recreated the "stage2" cramfs image
10. Copied relevant files to the NFS server

...I can now PXE boot a machine, give it the right target which then boots the 
right kernel and downloads/unpacks the initrd and gets on with the install. If 
zaps the disk, partitions it, creates filesystems on the partitions - all 
successfully (so I know it's not module related).

It then fails with "not enough space is available on /" - checking this it 
seems not to have mounted the filesystems at all, so tries to use the 
loop-mounted cramfs system which has nowhere near enough space. It'd be 
pointless installing here anyway, since it'll only disappear at next boot :)

If anyone has any advice (indeed, if you've come across this before!) I'd 
appreciate it.



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