[Nottingham] How Do I get my new Digital Camera to work 'Version 2' with Mandrake 9.1

Tony Shaw tony at shaw5336.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Feb 16 13:33:17 GMT 2004

Hi to one and all,

Can anyone tell me how to get my new digital camera to work with
Mandrake 9.1, I have just got the 'Mini Digital Camera Keyring' from
Argos. Bindows see's the camera as a 'Dual-Mode DSC(2770). Mandrake's 
Hardware UsbView see the camera as:

Speed: 12Mb/s (full)
USB Version: 1.10
Device Class: ff(vend.)
Device Subclass: ff
Device Protocol: ff
Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 8
Number of Configurations: 1
Vendor Id: 2770
Product Id: 9120
Revision Number: 1.00

Config Number: 1
	Number or Interfaces: 1
	Attributes: 80
	MaxPower Needed: 500mA

	Interface Number: 0
		Name: (none)
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: ff(vend.)
		Sub Class: ff
		Protocol: ff
		Number of Endpoints: 3

			Endpoint Address: 81
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 64
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 02
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 64
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 83
			Direction: In
			Attribute: 3
			Type: Int.
			Max Packet Size: 1
			Interval: 3ms

I don't know if the above will be of any use but I really could do with 
getting rid of Bindows of my machine, as the camera's software is the 
only thing that I use Bindows for now. Thank's.

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