[Nottingham] Another geek joins the fray...

Ian Leitch port001 at gentoo.org
Mon Jan 26 18:13:30 GMT 2004

Hi list,

Just thought I'd sign up and see whats going on. 

This is the first LUG I've contacted, because to be honest... They scare
me a little, I imagine scences like this: [1]. The Peterborough LUG (my
home town) mentioned tea and biscuits on their website, so I kept clear
;) I'm glad to see you all seem to prefer beer though! 

From the pictures on your site, it looks like most are quite a bit older
than I (19), so I'm not sure about coming to any meetings yet. 

I'm a first year student at Trent doing Software Engineering.. for those
wondering :)


Ian Leitch
Gentoo Linux Developer

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