[Nottingham] Re: Mandrake 10 / 2.4 kernel

David Aldred laptop at familyaldred.org.uk
Mon Jul 19 17:58:49 BST 2004

In message <20040719082438.101dacc3.james.gibbon at virgin.net>, James 
Gibbon <james.gibbon at virgin.net> writes:
>I have a USB 802.11b dongle that works nicely under kernel 2.4, but not 
>under 2.6.  I'm running Slackware on the PC to which it's presently 
>attached, but prefer Mandrake.

FWIW, Maplin currently have in stock a nice little USB WLAN dongle which 
is simplicity itself to work under Mandrake 10 / 2.6 kernel.

It's in the range called 'Addon' and is based on an Atmel chip. 
Effectively plug'n'play!

------------------                          -------------------------
|\avid Aldred   / David at familyaldred.org.uk  \   Nottingham, England
|/             --------------------------------

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