[Nottingham] Re: Tape Backup failure

Tom Bird tom at marmot.org.uk
Mon Jun 14 19:40:29 BST 2004

On Mon, 2004-06-14 at 12:18, David Wolfson wrote:
> Yup. It's DDS3.  Presumably they can get away with selling them like this as 
> <quote>
> a 12/24 tape can *only* carry 24GB of data if the data is compressed 
> by the drive
> <unquote>?


> If this is the case I presume that I'm still better of doing the compression with tar, rather than letting the drive do it?

Try bzip2 -- giving tar on most linuxes a 'j' flag will do the trick.


you are huge!  that means you have huge guts!

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