[Nottingham] linux and pest

Simon Huggins huggie at earth.li
Mon Jun 28 12:12:32 BST 2004

On Mon, Jun 28, 2004 at 02:36:40AM -0700, Robert Macaraeg wrote:
> I am going to hook my new linux machine to the
> internet soon. I am wondering with all the virus and
> worms floating around designed for the Microsoft
> environment, what software or other precautions I do
> to avoid the linux versions of these pests.

Don't open up any network service you don't need and ensure that when
you do open something up that you track security announcements for it.

There are fewer viruses for things like linux mail clients but again
it's a case of being on the ball and tracking security updates - you can
do this by getting on the relevant lists for your distribution and on

See the bottom of http://wiki.earth.li/SecurityCompTips (additions


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