[Nottingham] NLUG Computer Fair Stall THIS SUNDAY 4th July

Neil Stevenson neil.stevenson at citel.com
Tue Jun 29 14:59:28 BST 2004

On Tuesday 29 June 2004 11:27 am, Allan Callister wrote:
> Martin wrote:
> > "NLUG is Nottingham Linux Users Group"
> > "Enjoy freedom and your computer with Linux"
> > "OS? What's that?! To most people, 'Operating System' is unknown &
> > strange."
> > "Fly with the Penguin and Linux"
> > "Linux is Kool & Klear"
> Enjoy your computer, liberated by Linux.
> "Liberated by Linux" stickers?
> "I was saved"?
> arf.
> - he says, typing in thunderbird on win xp...  oh the horror...

Or how about (starting off in big letters and dwindling, a bit like them 
letter charts you get in opticians) "FREEDOM from the oppriessive 
monopolistice bully-boy operating systems produced by certain software 
vendors who shall remain nameless for legal reasons"

Or "TOTALLY IMMUNE TO W32/Blaster.worm"

Or "I paid nowt for my operating system, what is yours costing you..."

Or "Security?  Comes as standard..."

Or "Word Processing?  Spreadsheet?  Completely Free!  Get yours here..."

Or "Free as in Liberty.  Please leave free beer below."


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