[Nottingham] Meetings and LinuxExpo

Ian Leitch port001 at gentoo.org
Fri Mar 26 20:42:30 GMT 2004

On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 21:49, Duncan John Fyfe wrote:
> Hello all (well, those who care),
> 'LinuxUser & Developer Expo' is being advertised as 20th & 21st April this year.
> We have a meeting scheduled for 21st (the postponed Bash scripting talk).
> Assuming they don't postpone the Expo would people like to see the meeting
> postponed for that week ?
> Also, who if anyone is planning to go to the Expo ?

Might be, I'm not certain Gentoo will have a booth yet. 

Ian Leitch
Gentoo Linux Developer

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