NLUG talk to 28/04/2004? (was: [Nottingham] Meetings and LinuxExpo)

Martin martin at
Mon Mar 29 17:50:21 BST 2004

Duncan John Fyfe wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Mar 2004, Martin wrote:
>>>'LinuxUser & Developer Expo' is being advertised as 20th & 21st April this year.
>>To move the NLUG 21/04/2004 Bash Scripting Talk to Wed 28/04/2004.
>>Those in favour?
>>Those against??
> Personally I'd rather stick to the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month
> and reshuffle (again) so...
> 	19th May - Bash 2
> 	2nd / 16th June	- Perl Intro Parts 1 & 2

Goodly consistent.

In that case, make the 21st April a 'social'?

I'm not in this country on 19th May... 'Bash 2' on 5th May instead?

(Phew, glad I don't have to organise school timetables or the railways!)


Martin Lomas
martin at

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