[Nottingham] Wireless network cards

James Duncan james_duncan8181 at ntlworld.com
Sun May 9 08:11:20 BST 2004

Edam wrote:
> Hello all!
> I'm new to the nottingham lug. I did meet some of you when someone put on
> that film/documentary about the history of linux about 6 months ago or
> something? My name's Tim, but I dont spose I'll be remembered...  :o)
> Anyway, I have an emergancy question (cause there's a computer fair tomorrow
> and I need to get the bits quick!) about wireless networking and linux, and
> thought this'd be the place to pose it!
> Basically, I'm wanting to connect a machine to a network round the corner
> and down the street. The distance is about 100-150m over a couple of
> roof-tops. I dont mind if the machine runs linux or windows, but it would be
> connecting to a linux machine on the network.

For longer range broadcasts you want a pair of Linksys WAP11 (G) routers 
as they are a) cheap, but more importantly they are also have linux on. 
  Now that a kind and enterprising soul has modded them, you are able to 
set the chip to about 4 times the power it is OOTB.  (Also you can run 
kismet & snort on your router as it is a 166Mhz ARM chip inside with 
16Mb memory, 4Mb flash...which is nice)

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