[Nottingham] Green's Mill

Duncan John Fyfe djf at star.le.ac.uk
Wed May 19 10:21:29 BST 2004

Hello folks,
Memories of last meeting trickling in....

We have been asked if we are interested in using Green's Mill this year as we
did for the awareness day last year.

I'd like to say yes.

Do people have the time/stomach to organize another awareness day ?


Given the non-commercial entice the public and enhance the reputation of NotLug requirement
does anyone have the best idea since strained silicon for an alternative use for the room ?

My idea atm is for an awareness day with more emphasis as a 'software showcase' than we had
at the last awareness day ie. offer assistance but layout the room better to make it easier
and friendlier for people to come in and try the fantastic software on show (whatever that
might be).

Have fun,

Duncan John Fyfe          X-ray Astronomy Group,
                          Dept. of Physics & Astronomy,
Phone +44 116 252 3635    University of Leicester,
E-mail djf at star.le.ac.uk  University Road,
                          Leicester, LE1 7RH, U.K.

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