[Nottingham] MySQL advice

Matt Bunter matt.bunter at wanadoo.fr
Tue Apr 26 01:36:13 BST 2005


We've got a MySQL server that's going to have a database with InnoDB tables. It seems that at first it won't be very busy, although there is in fact going to be a publicity campaign (TV adverts and magazines) for the application which is going to have the MySQL backend. In a while it 'should' grow to several gig.

We're a 'new' MySQL shop, only having used Oracle, SQL Server and DB2 on the mainframe. One of the areas we're a bit unsure of are the backups. I've found some scripts but wanted NOTLUG members' points of view regarding the use of the 

mysqldump --single-transaction dbname > dumped_db_file


Do we need to do a flush logs before the dump? How will we know which binary log/s to re-inject after a backup is restored? 



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