[Nottingham] Documentation...

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Fri Aug 19 15:25:07 BST 2005

Graeme Fowler wrote:
> Which raises an interesting question:
> Are you a documenter? Do you bother, do you walk round with it all in 
> your head, do you feel like documentation is "the castor oil of 
> technology - everyone knows it's a good thing, it just tastes disgusting 
> when you're asked to write it"?
> I only ask as (obviously) if you documented your tweaks then you should 
> be able to forget them safe in the knowledge that next time you need 
> them, you'll know where to look.

Sort of...

I script up the important stuff into a bash script that either automates 
the tweaks, or can be run, or at least acts as an 'aide memoir'.

Bits of paper get lost. Self documentation "README.txt" seem to be a 
good idea.


Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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