[Nottingham] NTL webspace settings

Joshua Lock incandescant at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 20:48:28 GMT 2005

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On 3 Feb 2005, at 20:26, Michael Leuty wrote:

> On Thursday 03 February 2005 20:15, Joshua Lock wrote:
>> I did it all from OS X, you don't need the NTL disc. You can do it
>> through the WWW.
> If you're clever. Which excludes me! (I have my competencies, but
> hacking is not one of them.)

Ntl have a website that they point users to when the flash based 
registration software doesn't work.
I got them to tell me the URL for that when the engineer came, 
unfortunately I can't find it.

>> Alas it's done.
> Any disadvantages? All their software is languishing on my (rarely 
> used)
> WinXP partition.

Just that  is unnecessary bloatware that needn't be installed and 
leaches resources.
If I where you I'd remove broadjump from your Windows.

>> Anyhoo reliable web space, 50MB of it.
> Glad to hear it's reliable.
>> Only problem is they only support standard HTML so if you want
>> anything dynamic you'll have to look elsewhere.
> My main sites are hosted by 1&1 who do the dynamic stuff (not that I 
> use
> it much, vide supra). Mostly I want to use the webspace for
> transferring files between home and work.

Good use, I use a USB pen drive.
Hosting unlimited are my service providers as recommended by this list.

>>> Can anyone tell me how I may FTP into my NTL webspace?
>> Sure
> And thanks to you, too.
> What pleasant folk you all are.   :-)

Shucks, thanks.

> -- 
> Michael Leuty
> Nottingham, UK
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Joshua Lock
a.k.a Incandescant
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


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