[Nottingham] Ubuntu fully installed

Ron Wilton ron_w_add at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Feb 19 12:17:28 GMT 2005

Thanks for the warm welcome on Wednesday evening.
You might be interested to know that I've managed to fully load Ubuntu on Thursday after some suggestions that were given to me.
However, I do have a few things that I'm having trouble with.
I am disappointed a little with the slowness of GNOME - especially with OpenOffice, though perhaps I shouldn't really be too surprised as my system only has 62MB RAM available (2MB has been taken up for the onboard graphics). Are there any ways of how I might speed up the system (eg are there some programmes running in the background that might be taking up RAM that I might not need), before I go and buy some more memory.
I'm also having problems with the CD player as it sometimes freezes the system when I try to read from it.
I'm finding it difficult getting my head around the linux file management system - I think this is due to my thinking 'Windows'. Do you have any suggestions that might help me change my thinking.

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