[Nottingham] Re: Ubuntu fully installed

James Gibbon jg at jamesgibbon.com
Sat Feb 19 13:00:37 GMT 2005

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 12:17:14 +0000 (GMT)
Ron Wilton <ron_w_add at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> I am disappointed a little with the slowness of GNOME - especially
> with OpenOffice, though perhaps I shouldn't really be too surprised as
> my system only has 62MB RAM available (2MB has been taken up for the
> onboard graphics). Are there any ways of how I might speed up the
> system (eg are there some programmes running in the background that
> might be taking up RAM that I might not need), before I go and buy
> some more memory.

Most OpenOffice applications use a fair bit of memory, and you need
more than 64MB for Gnome as well, really, even before you start up
your favourite OpenOffice app. I ran my laptop with 64MB quite
successfully until I upgraded it a few months ago, but I used a
lightweight window manager (hackedbox) and didn't use it for
OpenOffice or other memory-greedy applications. If you're going to use
OpenOffice applications I would get more memory, you'll definitely
notice a difference.

> I'm also having problems with the CD player as it sometimes freezes
> the system when I try to read from it.

No ideas there, sorry.
> I'm finding it difficult getting my head around the linux file
> management system - I think this is due to my thinking 'Windows'. Do
> you have any suggestions that might help me change my thinking.

Can you elaborate a bit? What's the difficulty? :)

In essence it's a pretty simple idea - a recursive / hierarchical
structure of files and directories - but I seem to remember that
inheritance of file permissions took a bit of getting used to, all
those years ago (I'm old).


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