[Nottingham] TOMORROW: Wed 19th of January Meet

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Jan 18 20:47:06 GMT 2005


Reminder for TOMORROW (Wed)

> The first talk of the year is a 'Newbie Friendly':
> "What distro" and "Installing"
> ==============================
> 19:30 meet at our usual Sharespace, for 19:45 talk.
> I'm slightly biased towards Mandrake but will cover equally the other 
> main distros. Others are welcome to give comment and advice on the night.
> This is to give all an idea of what the Linux distros are and how they 
> are different. Also, a few pointers will be given on what to look out 
> for when installing onto your prize hardware.
> Come and see how it all can work and be fun.
> Followed by 21:15 at The Salutation (one of the ground floor small rooms 
> or somewhere upstairs).
> All welcome, newbies and sys admins alike!
> Cheers,
> Martin
> (Links and more verbiage later!)

For all between Mandrake, many others, to Gentoo and anything else out 

See you folks there,

ps: And can one of the NLUGers put this up on our web page please?

Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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