[Nottingham] VoIP...

David Bottrill david at bottrill.org
Wed Mar 16 11:04:09 GMT 2005

Steve Dickman said:
> Hi All,
> just starting to experiment with Asterisk as a PBX and Xten-Xlite as a
> SIP phone, have the PBX working to the console and just starting to dive
> into the config files to set up two extensions, one on a Mac and the
> other on a PC.
> Anyone got any useful pointers/roadblocks/gotchas that they would like
> to share?

I don't know if you've seen the website:


it was mentioned on /. the other week.

David Bottrill

david at bottrill.org
Registered Linux user number 330730
Internet SIP Phone: 1-747-244-2699

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