[Nottingham] VoIP...

John Tarlton jtarlton at braxtel.com
Wed Mar 16 11:38:02 GMT 2005

> Hi All,
> just starting to experiment with Asterisk as a PBX and Xten-Xlite as a
> SIP phone, have the PBX working to the console and just starting to dive
> into the config files to set up two extensions, one on a Mac and the
> other on a PC.
> Anyone got any useful pointers/roadblocks/gotchas that they would like
> to share?
> Thanks
> Steve


I've been a using Asterisk for about 18 months as a home phone system and
also at the office as general purpose PBX for testing other systems. I've
not used the Xten phones but have had success with sjphone, firefly,
linphone and the IAX based IaxComm. If you have the right codecs defined in
sip.conf the demo install will normaly work as-is


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