[Nottingham] Blackbox probs

Michael Erskine msemtd at yahoo.co.uk
Tue May 31 10:56:52 BST 2005

On Monday 30 May 2005 19:34, Matt Bunter wrote:
> All (but in particular Johannes),
> Got Blackbox installed, version 0.65.0-3 on Kubuntu 5.04 (with
> multiverse and universe sources).

Hi Matt,

I use also use Blackbox (for VNC sessions) under Kubuntu 5.04

> First impressions : fast but ALOT of configuration will be required. So
> I've psyched myself up for this.
> Anyway first problem : No ~/.blackbox was created - so I created one and
> configured a menu file. Details below. ...

Do you mean ~/.blackboxrc ?

> Restarted X - didn't work.
> Rebooted - didn't work.
> So I've now passed 30 mins searching for the default Blackbox menu and
> I'll be damned if I can find it.

Have you tried `locate -i blackbox`? My blackbox menu is 
in /etc/X11/blackbox/blackbox-menu however, I'm not sure from where it 
originated since it isn't listed in `dpkg -L blackbox` so perhaps it was 
generated by the Debian menu update tool or perhaps it was created by bb 
itself. I suggest you remove/rename your ~/.blackboxrc to force Blackbox to 
do simillar.

Actually, I just found it in /var/lib/dpkg/info/blackbox.postinst...

        if [ -f /etc/X11/blackbox/blackbox-menu ]; then
                rm /etc/X11/blackbox/blackbox-menu

...then it creates and executes /etc/menu-methods/blackbox .

> Sorry to complain, its been very hot here in Lyon, France (temperature
> and politics) recently and I think that I've got heat-stroke.

To isolate your X failures, check your X log and see what it didn't like (mine 
is /var/log/Xorg.0.log). Try another window manager, e.g. twm, to 
prove/disprove that blackbox is to blame.

> Regards,
> Matt

Take care down there in the sun! Blackbox is worth pursuing: it is a valuable 
wm for lightweight X.

Michael Erskine.

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