[Nottingham] Configuring a basic web/FTp server

Graham Greenwood mr_brownstone3g at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 12 12:31:58 BST 2005

Hi All,
       I am currently at college which of course is a Microsoft house but I 
would like to be able to backup my college work via the internet.  I was 
considering using proftp but on all the guides I have read it recommends 
configuring a seperate user for FTP and I was hoping to be sync my college 
work with a similar directory structure in my home folder.  In doing this do 
expose my to any more security concerns than I would using a special FTP 

We also do some basic web development on this course and I would like to 
experiment on running my own web server but I only have a standard ntl 
broadband connections, as in DHCP, are there any services that work like 
DynaDNS for windows avaible for linux which are compatiable with 

Any help would be much appreciated


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