[Nottingham] Surreal 'discussion' #2

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Oct 17 19:42:45 BST 2005

Errk... I seem to be doing well this week for 'oddities'...

I've just been phoned by a call centre person (ccp) from my very 
friendly telco. After the general preamble from which the ccp is already 
slightly derailed by my first checking their authenticity:

ccp:	... And have you got our digital TV service?

me:	No, I don't have a TV.

ccp:	What?! You don't have no TV?

me:	Indeed, I have no TV.

ccp:	*GOD* ! What's that like?!!!

me:	Rather good. I have no interest in the likes of Eastenders or whatever.

ccp:	Oh. You really have no TV? So I can't interest you in digital?

me:	(I resist the urge to cause more confusion by mentioning any other 
sort of "digital" for the sake of clearing my line.) Sorry, not really.

ccp:	Oh then. Sorry for troubling you. Goodbye.


OK, so I'm in a good mood and the ccp got off very lightly ( :-P )

OK, so who's next for this week?!


Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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