[Nottingham] Awareness day

Simon flibble at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 17:28:28 BST 2005

On 10/27/05, Michael Simms <michael at tuxgames.com> wrote:

> Below is a list of things and how you can help.

I have one suggestion. I know on previous awareness days we have
produced and distributed Morphix CDs free of charge / donation. Why
not obtain some CDs from Ubuntu and distribute them this time around?
They do state on the website you can order a lot for LUG use and for
things like this and I'm sure they would like the free advertisement.
It takes a lot of personal time and effort to produce these Morphix
CDs and I feel the time would be better spent elsewhere.

I could put the request in to Canonical for some CDs personally,
unless there is somebody in the LUG with a more direct contact for
some discs?

Another thing. I would be happy to spread the word at Trent Uni and
Nottingham Uni, but if someone is already planning this can you say to
prevent duplicates :) Thank you


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