[Nottingham] Awareness day

Simon flibble at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 21:19:55 BST 2005

On 10/27/05, Martin <martin at ml1.co.uk> wrote:
> Simon wrote:
> [---]
> > I could put the request in to Canonical for some CDs personally,
> > unless there is somebody in the LUG with a more direct contact for
> > some discs?
> See as already just posted.

I've whisked off an email to Ubuntu requesting some CDs for the
awareness day. I gave some information about what we are doing and
gave a link to the website. Hope that was ok? Time will tell.

> > Another thing. I would be happy to spread the word at Trent Uni and
> > Nottingham Uni, but if someone is already planning this can you say to
> > prevent duplicates :) Thank you
> Any volunteers or does Simon get it?

I've got no problem doing this.

Are there any LUG members who have contact with major Linux
distributions and supporting companies? Some posters etc would do well
(and can be put aside for Infopoints if we do them again).

Has anyone thought about contacting the relevant Linux press in the UK
and letting them know what we are up to?


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