[Nottingham] Mandriva & NTL Cable modem

Tony Shaw tony at shaw5336.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Sep 5 11:30:20 BST 2005

Martin wrote:

> Tony Shaw wrote:
> [---]
>> If have now problems during setup, all of my computers hardware is 
>> detected fine but for some reason the cable modem is not found. I 
>> have had the NTL modem for over two years so it could something to do 
>> with the old modem. MDK9.2 work with it as dose all versions of 
>> windows even XP and Longhorn.
> After installation, you should be able to specify what interface your 
> cable modem is on from the Mandriva Control Centre. Look under setting 
> up network connections and follow the wizardry thing.
> At worst, you can install the dhcp-client and add the ifcg-eth* file 
> yourself.
> Just as a check, what does "ifconfig" list for you?
> Cheers,
> Martin
At the moment I am still using MDK9.2 so I would not know what it's 
ifconfig file has to say for itself. I tried the Mandriva control center 
but could not get anywere with setting up the modem via that. It must be 
something to do with my NTL 120 cable modem, I may at some point phone 
NTL and ask them to send out a new one. I may have to lie and tell them 
that it is playing up with XP as I know they don't like Linux (must be 
due to the fact that they have no software control over Linux.)

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